
9.sınıf ingilizce yol tarifi diyalogları

Ekleyen: Yönetim | Okunma Sayısı: 5051 | Kategori: İngilizce Çeşitli Eğitim Paylaşımları

Tourist : Execuse me, is there a police station near here?

Melike : Yes, there is one in Beatles Street.

Tourist : Can you tell me how to get to Beatles Street from here?

Melike : Go straight ahead and turn right. The police station is on your right.

Tourist : Thank you.

Melike : You're welcome.

Tourist : Execuse me, is there a shoe shop near here?

Hasan : Yes, there is one in Birdcage Street.

Tourist : How can i go there?

Hasan : Go straight ahead and turn right. The shoe shop is on your left.

Tourist : Thank you.

Hasan : You're welcome.

Tourist : Good evening, is there a hospital near here?

Hatice : Yes, there is. Now go straight ahead. Go past the school and turn right into Argentina Street. You will see the hospital next to the chemist's.

Tourist : Thank you very much.

Hatice : You're welcome.

Linda : Execuse me, how can I get to the supermarket?

Lucy : Go straight ahead and turn right. Walk along the street. Go past the hospital. It's on the right.

Sam : Execuse me, how can I get to the museum?

You : Go straight ahead. Cross Newtoon Street. The museum is on your left, opposite the car park.

Paul : Execuse me, how can I get to the Blue Mosque?

Ayşe : Go straight ahead. Go past the hospital. Turn right. The Blue Mosque is on your left, opposite the Marathon Hotel.

David : Execuse me, how can I get to the city park?

You : Go straight ahead and turn right. Go past the post office. Turn left. The city park is on the left.

A : Excuse me. How can I go to the police station?

B : I’m a police officer. I can help you if you want.

A : That’s great. I’ve lost my wallet. I don’t know what to do.

B : Oh, I can’t help you with that. Let me give you directions to the police station.

A : Okay.

B : Go straight ahead for one hundred metres, turn left at the crossroads and walk for another hundred metres. The station is on the right.

A : Thanks a lot.

9.sınıf ingilizce yol tarifi örnekleri9.sınıf ingilizce yer yön tarifi örnekleri9.sınıf ingilizce yer yön tarifi diyalogları

İngilizce Online Test Çöz İlketkinlik Eğlence Merkezi

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