
ingilizce bağlaçlar ile ilgili cümleler (but, so, because, and, however)

Ekleyen: Yönetim | Okunma Sayısı: 3635 | Kategori: İngilizce Örnek Cümleler

Buy organic food because it is better for nature.

We should avoid partially-hydrogenated oil and high fructose corn syrup.

If we consume less junk food, factories will use less fossil fuels so they will not pollute the air.

Genetically modified food both pollutes the soil and harms the human body.

Helen threw a party last week but he didn't invite me.

Jason was mad at his sister. However he helped her.

I am not feeling well so I will not go shopping.

Tina likes roses but she hates daisies.

He wants to save energy so he replaced his light bulbs with energy efficent ones.

Jamie is an eco-conscious person but his brother wastes water and energy a lot.

She tried so hard to get this job and she succeeded in the end.

There will be no plants on the Earth soon because people are destroying the nature day after day.

City Hall will plant over a million trees. However, it won't be enough unless we protect them.

We started to use solar energy system last year so we pay less for electricity.

He studied a lot yesterday because he will have an important exam tomorrow.

Emily picked some apples from her organic garden but she didn't pick the unripe ones.

We should use pesticides less because they are bad for our health.

Trees are important for oxygen so we must stop deforestation.

Nowadays people are preferring living in the countryside because there is lessair pollution there.

ingilizce so bağlacı cümleingilizce but bağlacı cümleingilizce bağlaçlar örnek cümleler

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