
Question Tags Konu Anlatımı

Ekleyen: Yönetim | Okunma Sayısı: 6081 | Kategori: İngilizce Dersi Konu Anlatımları

"Question tags", Türkçedeki "değil mi?" sorularıdır. Herhangi bir bilgi öğrenme amaçlı değil, aksine bilinen bilgilerin doğrulanması amacıyla kullanılır. Olumlu bir cümlede olumsuz bir soru eki kullanılırken, olumsuz bir cümlede olumlu bir soru eki kullanılır.

  • It is a nice day today, isn't it?
  • Martin isn't from Mexico, is he?
  • Your father has got a car, hasn't he?
  • There isn't a cinema in your town, is there?
  • Your aunt lives in Paris, doesn't she?

"Question tags" konusunda dikkat edilmesi gereken bazı özel kullanımlar için aşağıdaki örnekleri inceliyelim.

  • I am still a member of the club, aren't I?
  • Let's have a barbecue on Sunday, shall we?
  • Everybody wants to attend the conference, don't they?
  • Everybody is in the meeting room, aren't they?

"Never" zarfının bulunduğu cümleler, olumlu görünmesine rağmen olumsuzdur. Bu nedenle olumlu bir "question tag" gerekir.

  • Kate never has lunch at school, does she?
  • You never walk to school, do you?

Bağlaçlı cümlelerde bağlaçlı cümle değil, diğer cümle (main clause) dikkate alınır.

  • You want to visit Mary when you are in London, don't you?
  • Lary is usually very tired when he comes home, isn't he?

"Question tag" oluşturulurken mutlaka "pronouns (he, she, they, etc.)" kullanılmaktadır.

  • David doesn't go to work on Sundays, does he?
  • Your parents live in the country, don't they?
  • Your cat is very old, isn't it?

Diğer bir question tags konu anlatımı

Cümlenin zamanına uygun yardımcı fiil ve cümlenin öznesine uygun sahış zamiri getirilerek cümlenin sonuna eklenen sorulardır.

………… aux. verb + ?
tense → aux.verb (+) clause → (-) tag question
subject → aux.verb (-) clause → (+) tag question

Cümle olumluysa, question tag olumsuzdur.

  • Hakan works at a bank, doesn’t he ?
  • She is staying at a bed & breakfast, isn’t she ?

Cümle olumsuzsa, question tag olumludur.

  • You don’t like spinach, do you?

1. Simple Past (Geçmiş Zaman)

  • You weren’t offended by what she said, were you?
  • You raised this point at the meeting, didn’t you?
  • He used to smoke a lot until last year, didn’t he?
  • You didn't go to school, did you ?
    - Yes, ( I went )
    - No, ( I didn't )

2. Present Perfect:

  • He hasn’t yielded to pressure, has he?
  • John has been working for Microsoft since he graduated from the university, hasn’t he?

3. Past Perfect:

  • They had given a party before their parents returned, hadn’t they?

4. Modals:

  • Derya can cope with this situation, can’t she?
  • Jane would like to get a scholarship, wouldn’t she?
  • She had better clean her room, hadn’t she?
  • You will help me, won’t you?
  • You didn’t go to school, did you?
    No, I didn't ( I didn’t go)
    Yes, I did ( I went)
  • He would rather live in a house than a flat, wouldn't he ? 
  • You weren't offended, were you ?
  • He will help us, won't he ?


A ) Subject __ one, body = they?

Everyone likes ice-cream, don't they?
Everyone is here , aren't they ?
Everybody was upset with the decision, weren’t they?
Somebody is calling me, aren’t they?
Nobody wants to be poor, do they?
Nobody objected to the plan, did they?

B) Subject __ thing = it 

Something must be done right away, mustn't it?
Nothing has been done yet, has it?
Nothing compares to you, does it?
Everything is okey, isn't it?

C) Neither, no, no one, nobody, seldom, barely, scarcely, hardly ever, never __ question tag/positive

Neither of your parents approve of your marriage, do they?
Nothing compares to you, does it ?
You hardly ever participate in such events , do you ?
None of them made a complaint, did they?
He never acts like a gentleman, does he?

D) There is/are/was/were/has been __ question tag : There?

There used to be a cinema here five years ago, didn’t there?
There isn't any sugar in my tea, is there?
There won't be too many people at the party, will there?

E) Imperatives: question tag __ will you?

Don’t make any noise, will you?
Mind the traffic, will you?
Hold on a second, will you ?

F) Let’s __ shall we?

Let’s meet where the continents meet, shall we?
Let’s move on, shall we ?
Let`s have a break , shall we ?

G) Introductory Phrases ( giriş cümleleri )

I think , I’m afraid , I believe , I suspect , I’m certain , I’m sure , I imagine , I suppose , I hope , As far as I remember

* Cümle bunlarla başlarsa question tag bunlardan sonra gelen cümleye göre yapılır. Yani ikinci tarafa gore yapılır.

  • I think he’s in love with her, isn’t he ?
  • I hope he will be the champion, won’t he ?
  • I’m certain everyone has been trained to deal with rude customer, haven’t they ?
Question TagsQuestion Tags Özet Konu Anlatımıingilizcede soru eki kullanımı konu anlatımı

İngilizce Online Test Çöz İlketkinlik Eğlence Merkezi

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